

Ghanaian in the later past of 2016 experienced the war of words between the self-acclaimed queen of Ghanaian comedy Afia Schwarzenegger and Rev. Owusu Bempah. The quarrel which led to the man of God talking about the past, present and future of the woman made many Ghanaians marvel for a while. 

 Rev. Owusu Bempah hinted that the marriage of Afia Schwarzenegger will not last up to a year and even how the marriage came about. This statement resurfaced when the matrimonial problems of Afia hit social media recently. And among the many issues one that is quite fascinating is how Mr. Abrokwah got married to Afia. In the Ghanaian traditional setting, the basic knowledge of getting married is knowing that it’s the man’s responsibility to pay for the woman’s brideprice unlike the vice versa which is done in India. 

According to rumours surrounding the sudden divorce  of the Ghanaian comedienne, Afia Schwarzenegger went for a loan and footed for her marriage including the payment of the bride price. 

Aside  people talking about how the  video that led to her divorce got leaked, another time that has suddenly become the talk of town is how the marriage came into being in the first place. 

By Kwasi Jesse

I'm a young Ghanaian blogger, vlogger, publicist, social media commentator and Content Manager Of Ekuoba Media which comprises of kgnewsonline and many others

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